Thursday, May 7, 2009

Minky Blankets

I recently have seen a bunch of blankets online that were backed with that super-soft fabric called "Minky". I decided to give it a try, so I ordered a few 1-yard cuts with coordinating 1-yard cuts of quilters cotton from and gave it a whirl. I remembered reading tips about sewing with Minky on various blogs, namely, you need to pin a LOT! So, I got out the pins, and the big folding craft table and started pinning. I got the first one all pinned out, and sewed it together.

this is the first one I made- friendly monsters with Minky Dot backing

It really wasn't too bad. I was kind of expecting a big fight with the fabric based on things I had seen online, but it was pretty simple. I have made 3 blankets so far, but only two are pictured here. Each one took me an evening to finish, with Steve taking care of Ryan.

the second blankey- POW! flannel with smooth Minky backing

I haven't taken pictures of the third yet. I also have fabric to make 3 more. One is a nice big one for my husband, Steve, using the full width of the Minky (60") paired with extra-wide quilters cotton, and one is for me. I haven't done the big ones yet because I don't know where I can pin them out yet! It's kind of difficult with a small baby and a dog that likes to get in the way. Maybe this weekend I can get Steve's big blanket done. Perfect for the weather that is just getting hot here in the desert! 100 degrees(F) is good blanket weather, right?

Now, I have extra Minky left over from the first 3 blankets I've made (each piece is about 14"x 1 yard). Any ideas on what to do with the remnants?

1 comment:

  1. I bought some of this minky fabric as well and made a huge mess trying to sew a quilt just like you made. I am a beginner sewer so I guess I picked a difficult fabric to start out with! So, I just need to use lots and lots of pins? Any other tips? Did you just sew around the edges or did you sew across the top as well?
